
profile forgings
發(fā)布時(shí)間:2024-06-05 13:50:13

Brand products —— profile forgings

There’re domestic leading production equipment and technology for manufacturing large and heterogeneous forgings in Jianlong Beiman, the grades are complete and the quality is excellent. The main large forgings are round shaft, square shaft, rectangular cross-section shaft, step shaft, disc and punching forgings,forged blocks, cylinder forgings, ring forgings, multi-turn shaft forgings,etc..With delivery condition of blanks, polished, rough turned and heat treated, the products not only meet domestic needs, but also are exported to more than 20 countries and regions in Southeast Asia, Europe and the United States. 

Product specifications

Forged material :Ф80mm ~Ф1100mm×3000 mm ~20000 mm

Shaft forgings :Ф120mm ~Ф1000mm×3000 mm ~10000 mm

Square flat forgings :300 mm ~ wide 1500 mm ~120 mm ~600 high

Tube forgings: outer diameter Ф400mm ~Ф2400mm× length 1500 mm ~4000 mm

Ring forgings: outer diameter Ф≤2400 mm× high ≥100 mm

Disc forgings :100 mm Ф300mm ~Ф2500mm×≥ height

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